TOKI, Turkey’s Housing Development Administration, was established in 1984 to address the country’s public housing issues.
Operating under the Office of the Prime Minister, TOKI provides low- and middle income groups with quality, safe and affordable housing and social facilities.
TOKI also conducts urban renewal projects in partnership with local administrations to rehabilitate low-quality and unlicensed housing and address urban transformation
in residential areas with high earthquake risk.
TOKI’s Social housing program targets low and middle income people who cannot own a housing unit under the existing market conditions.
TOKİ’s housing production is divided into several project categories:
low- and poverty-level income groups
slum transformation projects,
disaster housing applications, and
agriculture and village projects
Beneficiaries of TOKI’s social housing projects make down-payments at the start of the construction or at a stage determined by the Administration, and continue
monthly payments according to a single-indexed reimbursement plan.
Since the property right is owned by TOKİ until the debt is over, the repayments of the projects are under guarantee. TOKİ finalises the construction of housing
units within 2 years.
With the models it develops, TOKİ serves as a virtual umbrella for Turkey’s housing sector, serving as guide, monitor and educator, prioritising its target
groups’ needs.
In addition to its public housing program, TOKİ carries out public facility and infrastructure projects as well. As of September 2017, TOKİ had completed the
construction of 266 hospitals and 1,040 schools containing 23,000 classrooms.
TOKİ’s ongoing commitment is to the design of projects that respond to the social needs of Turkey’s citizens, and the development of projects that provide
comfortable living spaces with consideration for social facilities, environmental regulations and aesthetics.